Wednesday 12 November 2008

Chuck Norris Vs Obama Deathmatch

Ridiculous martial arts actor turned walking Internet meme Chuck Norris doesn't get that his major support base is entirely ironic and writes an open letter to the President-Elect, demanding that Obama ignore all his policy promises, blaming the economic meltdown on Clinton and hilariously linking abortion to national security.

While we're on the topic of batshit insane, Turkey, fresh from banning it's citizens from accessing because those wacky atheists had the gall to make fun of a creationist 'science' book, is now suing BATMAN. And you thought the US had a monopoly on frivalous lawsuits. Those who missed the Atlas of Creation story can see a video of Dawkins here.

World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King went on sale last night. The BBC provided typically boring coverage.

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